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Manılerin Dili, Türk Kültürünün Sesi: Yöre Yöre Manı Örnekleri

Manıler: The Art of Turkish Folk Poetry

If you are interested in learning more about the rich and diverse culture of Turkey, you cannot miss the art of Turkish folk poetry, or manıler. Manıler are short and catchy poems that have been part of the Turkish oral tradition for centuries. They are often used to express feelings, thoughts, wishes, jokes, or criticisms in a clever and humorous way. In this article, we will explore what manıler are, why they are important and popular in Turkish culture, and how you can enjoy and appreciate them.

What are manıler and how are they composed?

The definition and origin of manıler

Manı is a Turkish word that derives from the Persian word mani, which means "poem" or "verse". Manıler are folk poems that consist of four lines, each with seven or eight syllables. The first two lines rhyme with each other, while the last two lines rhyme with each other. The rhyme scheme is aaxa. For example:


Kara kedi kara taşta, Kara gözlüm ara sırada, Bir haber sal da göreyim, Seni seven deli başta.

This mani can be translated as:

Black cat on a black stone, My black-eyed love once in a while, Send me a message so I can see, The one who loves you is crazy at heart.

Manıler have a long history that dates back to the pre-Islamic Turkic tribes in Central Asia. They were influenced by various cultures and languages, such as Persian, Arabic, Mongolian, Greek, Armenian, Kurdish, and Balkan. They were also adapted to different regions and dialects in Turkey, such as Anatolia, Thrace, Aegean, Black Sea, Mediterranean, Eastern, Southeastern, and Central. Today, there are thousands of manıler that reflect the diversity and richness of Turkish culture.

The structure and rhyme scheme of manıler

As mentioned before, manıler have a simple structure of four lines with seven or eight syllables each. The syllables are counted according to the vowel sounds, not the consonants. For example:

Ka-ra ke-di ka-ra taş-ta (8 syllables) Ka-ra göz-lüm a-ra sı-ra-da (8 syllables) Bir ha-ber sal da gö-re-yim (7 syllables) Se-ni se-ven de-li baş-ta (7 syllables)

The rhyme scheme is aaxa, which means that the first two lines rhyme with each other, while the last two lines rhyme with each other. The rhyme is based on the last vowel sound of each line. For example:

Kara kedi kara taşta (a) Kara gözlüm ara sırada (a) Bir haber sal da göreyim (x) Seni seven deli başta (a)

Sometimes, the rhyme scheme can be abab or abba, depending on the region or the preference of the poet. For example:

Gel beraber gidelim (a) Dağlara çıkalım (b) Orada bir yuva yapalım (a) Güzelce yaşayalım (b)

This mani can be translated as:

Let's go together (a) Let's climb the mountains (b) Let's make a nest there (a) Let's live nicely (b)

The themes and tones of manıler

Manıler cover a wide range of themes and tones, such as love, nature, humor, satire, politics, religion, morality, death, and so on. They often reflect the feelings, thoughts, wishes, jokes, or criticisms of the poet or the speaker. They can be romantic, funny, sarcastic, ironic, witty, or poignant. For example:

Seni sevmeyen ölsün (a) // Let the one who doesn't love you die Beni sevmeyen kalsın (a) // Let the one who doesn't love me stay Ölüm varsa biz ölelim (x) // If there is death, let us die Sevgimizden kim ne yapsın? (a) // Who cares about our love?

This mani is a romantic and defiant expression of love that challenges the opposition of others.

Mani örnekleri ve anlamları

Mani yazma teknikleri ve ipuçları

Mani söyleyen sanatçılar ve şarkıları

Mani yarışmaları ve ödülleri

Mani türleri ve özellikleri

Mani kültürü ve tarihi

Mani antolojileri ve kitapları

Mani derlemeleri ve kaynakları

Mani öğretimi ve eğitimi

Mani analizi ve yorumu

Yöresel maniler ve farklılıkları

Aşk manileri ve duyguları

Komik maniler ve esprileri

Sitemli maniler ve mesajları

Övgü manileri ve beğenileri

Ayrılık manileri ve özlemleri

Gelin manileri ve gelinlikleri

Kaynana manileri ve kaynanaları

Görümce manileri ve görümceleri

Asker manileri ve askerlikleri

Gurbetlik manileri ve gurbetçileri

Havalı maniler ve havaları

İğneleyici maniler ve iğneleri

İmalı maniler ve imaları

Kabadayılık manileri ve kabadayıları

Kızlara maniler ve kızları

Erkeklere maniler ve erkekleri

Köy manileri ve köyleri

Şehir manileri ve şehirleri

Bayram manileri ve bayramları

Ramazan manileri ve ramazanları

Dualı maniler ve duaları

Beddua maniler ve bedduaları

Alaycı maniler ve alayları

Amatörce maniler ve amatörleri

Azerbaycan manileri ve Azerbaycanlıları

Kuzey Kıbrıs manileri ve Kuzey Kıbrıslıları

Mektup manileri ve mektupları

Nasihatçi maniler ve nasihatları

Okul manileri ve okulları

Bir kızım olsun isterim (a) // I wish I had a daughter Adını da Fatma koyayım (a) // I would name her Fatma Fatma'yı da veremem kimseye (x) // I wouldn't give Fatma to anyone Kendim alayım kendim soyayım (a) // I would take her myself and peel her myself

This mani is a humorous and absurd exaggeration of paternal love that plays with the double meaning of the word soy, which can mean "peel" or "undress".

Bir zamanlar bir padişah (a) // Once upon a time there was a sultan Halkına çok zulüm yapar (b) // He oppressed his people a lot Halk da ondan bıkar usanır (a) // The people got tired and fed up with him Devrim yapar başını keser (b) // They made a revolution and cut off his head

This mani is a satirical and political commentary on the fate of tyrannical rulers.

Why are manıler important and popular in Turkish culture?

The role of manıler in social occasions and festivals

Manıler are not only poems, but also songs that are sung or recited in various social occasions and festivals. They are often accompanied by musical instruments, such as saz, bağlama, kaval, zurna, davul, or ney. They are also performed in different styles and forms, such as tekerleme, atışma, karşılama, düzenleme, or yarışma. Some of the common occasions and festivals where manıler are used are:

  • Newroz: The celebration of the spring equinox and the beginning of the new year in Turkish culture. Manıler are sung to welcome the spring and express joy and hope.

  • Hıdrellez: The celebration of the arrival of summer and the meeting of the prophets Hızır and İlyas. Manıler are sung to wish for health, happiness, and prosperity.

  • Ramazan: The holy month of fasting and prayer in Islam. Manıler are sung by children who go from door to door to collect candy and money.

  • Bayram: The religious festivals that mark the end of Ramazan or the pilgrimage to Mecca. Manıler are sung to greet and congratulate each other.

  • Düğün: The wedding ceremony and celebration in Turkish culture. Manıler are sung to praise and tease the bride and groom.

  • Aşure: The day that commemorates various historical and religious events in Islam. Manıler are sung to share and enjoy a special dessert made of various ingredients.

The expression of emotions and opinions through manıler

Manıler are also also a way of expressing emotions and opinions through poetry and music. They can convey love, admiration, longing, jealousy, anger, sadness, happiness, or any other feeling that the poet or the speaker wants to share. They can also communicate ideas, beliefs, values, criticisms, or jokes that the poet or the speaker wants to make. For example:

Seni sevdim seveli (a) // I loved you since I loved you Başım döndü döneli (a) // My head has been spinning since then Seni bırakmam elden (x) // I won't let you go from my hand Ne gelirse gelsin benden (a) // Whatever comes, let it come from me

This mani is a passionate and loyal declaration of love that shows the willingness to sacrifice for the beloved.

Bir yıl oldu yılbaşı (a) // It's been a year since New Year Zam geldi zam geçti (b) // Prices went up and down Halkın cebi delik deşik (a) // The people's pockets are full of holes Hükümet ne yaptı? (b) // What did the government do?

This mani is a sarcastic and critical question of the government's performance and the economic situation.

The preservation and transmission of folk wisdom and values through manıler

Manıler are also a means of preserving and transmitting folk wisdom and values through generations. They often contain proverbs, sayings, riddles, advice, or moral lessons that reflect the common sense and experience of the Turkish people. They also embody the cultural identity and heritage of the Turkish people, such as their customs, traditions, beliefs, myths, legends, heroes, or historical events. For example:

Akıl akıldan üstündür (a) // Wisdom is superior to wisdom Birlikten kuvvet doğar (b) // Strength comes from unity Yalnız başına yaşayan (a) // The one who lives alone Kurt kapar bir gün onu (b) // The wolf will get him one day

This mani is a wise and practical advice that emphasizes the importance of cooperation and solidarity.

Keloğlan keloğlan (a) // Bald boy bald boy Saçın nerede keloğlan? (a) // Where is your hair bald boy? Saçım yok ama aklım var (x) // I have no hair but I have wit Senin gibi mal değilim (a) // I'm not a fool like you


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